Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Things that make me smile

As most of you know, it has been a rough week or so in Ameliabeeland. But, rather than wallow in a bunch of negativity and snarkiness, I've decided to focus on things that make me happy. So, for your edification, here are a few things that I adore.

(These were all going to have fun photos, but for some reason Blogger really hates me right now, so you'll have to use your imagination kids.)

Nature's Gate Herbal Conditioner
This smells like Heaven, and leaves my hair feeling lovely.

Hoover Floor Mate Spin Scrub
I purchased this wonderful appliance on a recommendation from Lynn, and I can honestly say I love it!! It not only scrubs the floor with rotating brushes, it sucks up the water, so the floor is dry when you are finished. No waiting! Now is that cool or what? Approximately 97% of our floors are non-carpeted, and I can do the Entire House in about 25 minutes. Which is good, because if it involved anything resembling hard work, I would only mop them once a year. As it is, I do them just about every week. If it can make a decent housekeeper out of me, think of what it could do for a normal person!

Chuzzle Deluxe
I have never been much of a video game player--my reflexes aren't great, they were pretty violent and I always ended up stressed out. Time runs out, people are shooting at you, things are falling to crush you, I mean who needs it? I can get that kind of stress walking through campus after a football game. Enter Chuzzle, the stress free game. You don't kill anything, nothing shoots at you, and there No Time Limit. Besides, the Chuzzles are super cute! I'll warn you though, it is addicting.

I just love this band. They play great power pop, they are fun, and great dancers. Be sure to check out the video for Here It Goes Again as well as their Table Tennis Program. Also, they are darned cute if way too young for me.

And last but not least...

If you haven't visited yet, check it out. User-uploaded videos of, well, anything. People singing, skateboarding, eating sandwiches--you name it, YouTube has it, along with clips from your favorite shows (without cable, it is the only way I can get a Daily Show fix). Two of my faves: Mr Cat Loves to Dance, by my friend Sooz. Dang, that cat can dance! And We Built This City by some drunk guys in Chicago.
This my dears, is Exactly Why I love the internet.


Anonymous said...

Bee! I'm so glad you love your floor mate. I also hated cleaning floors/mopping until I had this. I would agree that it is the best thing ever invented!!

AmeliaBee said...

I have become some sort of Floor Mate Missionary--everyone I without wall-to-wall carpeting in every single room of their home has heard about the Floor Mate. I've managed to stop myself from in-home demonstrations for now, but I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out...

Anonymous said...

Once again wonderful,

thank you very much, Ms. AB! Only things on your list I knew about were OK Go and You Tube (and not even the videos you mentioned for either one!)

I am so very, very excited about the Hoover Floor Mate Spin Scrub. Love the website, NEVER heard of the product. Need this very much. I have a scrubby moppy thingy with terry cloth heads. Not automated, just animated by yours truly.

Also going to check out that conditioner, been buying Pantene but somehow that product has started to smell very strange.

Thanks for the hot consumer tips. Hope Blogger is behaving better for you. Blogger loathes and despises MacUsers. It is such a picky product!

AmeliaBee said...

Hooray for the Spin Scrub! I got mine at Fleet Farm (or Farm and Fleet, can't remember which one) and it was about $25 cheaper than Target, etc.

I hope that you also like the conditioner. I just love the way it smells--I also use it as a body lotion, weird I know but it just smells so great!

Anonymous said...

I need to add to this list. I found something last night at the grocery store that makes me smile. And I can only find it each year around Halloween...BOO BERRY CEREAL!! Do you remember this stuff? He's the 3rd monster in the General Mills cereal series. What a great way to start you day with memories of the ceral that only Grandma would buy for you! Check him out:

AmeliaBee said...

Boo Berry! I haven't seen that in a long time. Always more of a Count Chocula girl myself...but of course, only when grandma bought it! :)