Friday, July 28, 2006

Terror in the Aisles...

Late this evening, we stopped by Meijer (big grocery/discount store) for a few groceries.

Walking aimlessly down the dairy aisle, I was nearly run over by this bus...

It is Dick Cheney!! A Happy Dick Cheney, death-grip on the wheel, driving this high-fructose corn syrup powered bus full of children straight to hell.

Straight. To. Hell.

Mr. Ameliabee thinks I've finally lost it---what do you think? Bus drivin Cheney, or Delusional Ameliabee?


Anonymous said...

God, that's creepy. On a related note, go check out the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution. Who does that remind you of?!?!?

AmeliaBee said...

Oh my lord!
That is the creepiest thing...
I've always said that it was "Planet of the Apes" in the executive branch, and there is my proof. Sad thing is, I don't think he believes in evolution...

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ameliabee:

Glad you recognized our leader monkey! Looks like we're both delusional together. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my,

you two. This is very creepy.

I am sorry Rob is not being more supportive. He was just embarassed that you were taking photos of the snack display? Once he saw the huge evidence, I am sure he retracted his disapproval.

why is our leader a monkey?

I suggest we appoint a bulldog, next time around.