Thursday, July 13, 2006

Eyes Only

Wow. Beth just simply rulz.

Contrary to her comment on a post below, she is not useless--but in fact one of the coolest, smartest and funniest people I've ever met. And as I've actually seen Carrottop in the flesh (in Wausau, at a low-income housing conference...long story) that is saying something.

Just how awesome is Beth? She sent me this great sign photo!

Not only a great salon name (it is a hair salon, right Beth? Not an eye bank or laser eye surgery place, I hope)
it also is a textbook case of inappropriate use of the apostrophe S.

What does the eye own? On?

1 comment:

beth said...

Hi Amy!

I know, I hauled out the phone manual and slowly figured it out...woooo.

This photo is of a "prom dress" store. Filled with cheap "formal" gowns of the hideous variety.

Chris always says all eyes would definitely be on me should anyone wear one of their creations. :)