Wednesday, June 21, 2006

They're the kids...

I found this whilst trolling around on YouTube. If you haven't discovered YouTube yet, you are really missing out...

This is the theme from a Saturday Morning Show that I loved, Loved, LOVED as a kid. It was called The Kids from C.A.P.E.R. (Civilian Authority for the Protection of Everybody, Regardless)

Here is the theme song from the opening credits: (Dial up warning, this is a big-ish file)

The premise of the show was that the Kids weren't just a lean mean crime fighting machine (who drove around in a van with a hot dog on the roof) they were also:
A) Very Cute
B) A Rock Band
C) Not such great singers, really--but refer again to A

There was a Kids from C.A.P.E.R. album, which my cousin Theresa had which included their only "big" hit...The Hurricane Song (which I dedicate to Beth).

Believe it or not, I remembered all the lyrics. 30 years later. I'll bet Theresa would too. We played that album so many times, I'm surprised it didn't melt. Or my Uncle didn't melt down and break it in half.

Theresa had the game Payday, which can only be described as a blatant attempt by our parents to get their education all mixed in with our fun. Any middle schooler can tell you-- these are two great tastes which do not taste great together. We of course, thwarted their evil learning plans by playing the game in our own way. That was, divide up all the cards (which were bills, loan payments, etc) and the money, and act like we (as wives of one of the C.A.P.E.R. Kids) were balancing our checkbooks.

I always picked PT, and Theresa picked Doomsday. (even as a kid I went for the smart guys!) We'd bitch about how much our husbands were spending on dry-cleaning, carp about "surprise" bills that we didn't know were coming, and harp about how our hubbies needed to bring home more money. We talked about raising our kids, how they needed haircuts, talked back and were a real disappointment. We must have sounded like little Peg Bundys, but I suppose we were learning after all...learning to become nagging housewives?


beth said...

Oh my. I have never heard of these kids, but I am certain that the hurricane song RULEZ (that's right, with a z).

And now for something completely different, that I should post on my blog, but I'm I'll post it in your comments:

Hitler Cats!

Anonymous said...

Oh crud,

I can not comment on this at all. But here I am, blathering away anyhow... uh, never heard of this beloved show (I don't think, but then I again I really suck at titles so maybe I loved it too?...).

On the other hand, I LOVE YouTube. Due to CuteOverload website, because they have all of those daffy videos of big footed, huge eared tiny kittens keeling over from sleepiness while trying to remain upright and dignified. Awww. Plus stupid stuff involving light sabers and twelve year old English boys.

HOW are you and Mr. Maundering settling in? Hope all is well.


Lonely Laundress

AmeliaBee said...

Beth--The hurricane song Rulez indeed. I especially like the tight shots of the guy's face. He looks so uncomfortable, or like he Really, Really needs to go to the bathroom...

Laundress--I'm betting you probably don't recognize this one. It was only on for a little while, more's the pity.

I love the kittycat videos too! YouTube is truly a Gift from the Heavens for those of us with insomnia...