Tuesday, June 13, 2006

She has returned

Hey there. Long time, no type.

I could make excuses about my$*?%@ computer and long trip to Ohio, but...okay I will.

For some reason that I cannot understand, my computer aged approximately 100 years in a week. Seriously, I think I could chisel word documents out of stone faster than type them on this thing. For once though, I purchased the extendo-warranty from Best Buy...and I'm glad I did! I took it in, the Geek Squad had a look, and they fixed me right up. Now we are back in reasonably good shape, still running a little bit slow, but nothing I can't live with. What was the problem? I believe it had something to do with gremlins, space radiation and eggplant--or something like that. Seriously, I think that the fellow was not speaking English to me at some point. I suppose that is why they are Geek Squaders, and get to wear the nifty uniforms and I'm the girl on the other side of the counter saying, "then the screen was all like, black you know? And this thing was blinking? Right? and so I panicked and hit F10. Then it like took over and did something to the memory. I think."

Long trip to Ohio...well, it was long. I mean Really LONG. It is about a 9 hour drive one way, which by midwest standards isn't that bad. But since January I've driven it 4 times, which is way too many. Plus, most of the trip is driving diagonally through Indiana, so as not to miss one square inch. Woo hoo.

Only one more trip to go! We signed our lease for the new place, and got utilities all set up, etc. That was the easy part. The hard part was *dum, dum, te dum* The Bathroom.

As we all know, I am not in contention for any Housekeeper of the Year award, and Martha Stewart would probably start drinking drain cleaner straight out of the bottle if she saw my bedroom (I haven't made the bed since, lets see...how long have I been married? 11 years?) but my motto is clean enough to be reasonably healthy, without requiring much effort on my part. Like Nonanon, I love to read books about "nesting" and organizing your home, then toss them in a big pile in a corner somewhere. But...I look like the Avenging Angel of Good Housekeeping compared to the folks who lived in the new apartment. How bad was it?

There was mildew Inside the Showerhead.
Inside. the Showerhead.

And don't even get me started on the toilet. I am the girl who worked in nursing homes, cleaned up after many, many drunks in the bars I worked at and never batted an eye. The toilet seat made me gag out loud.
It was Green and Fuzzy around the hinges.
Green. and Fuzzy.

We went to Home Depot and bought a new toilet seat and showerhead. God Bless my sister Martha who helped with cleaning the shower and tub despite several bouts of gagging and getting a little high on cleaner fumes...

Seriously though. I get not being super clean. I get that. But how they could feel like they were getting clean in that shower stall is beyond me. Goodness and light eventually prevailed though--along with a lot of bleach. It is not possible for that bathroom to be cleaner if it were made out of Solid Bleach. Still and all, I'm going to paint it. I just won't feel good about it until I know that the Funk of Forty Thousand Years can no longer touch me.

Two more things of note--we went Glow Bowling, which was just about the most fun I've had in a long time, and Julie got 4 strikes in a row! I know three in a row is called a Turkey, and apparently anything more than that is a "bagger." So Julie had a 4-bagger. Is it just me or does that sound vaguely insulting? I like Super Turkey better.

Also had a trip to Mickey's where a fellow asked if he could drink our liquor remainders, another guy named Ben became our new best friend, and many White Russians were had. Good times.

There are quite a few new photos in the the Flickr account if you want to have a look-see. Just click on the Flicker button thing over in the right margin area. Some more of the new apartment, some of the trip, a few new signs and Glow Bowling!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, you poor AmeliaBee and Mr. Maundering!

Yuck. Doesn't the landlord make the vacating tenants clean up? It is wrong to be moving and also have to deal with cleaning up after other folks. Glad you were smart and just replaced things. Hope that this cleaning frenzy can now take a break!

I once took a shower in a stall that had long and flowing green moss growing all over the insides. Felt dirtier afterward. Kept thinking it was carnivorous moss that fed on skin cells...

Also good to hear you got in and out of Indiana without too much strife. That is called Woo-Hoo-Hoosiering. Personally, I kind of like that state, but have only toodled around on the edges of it.

Glad you are back! Hope the settling in is okay!

AmeliaBee said...

Thanks Ladies!
Sadly enough, the landlord apparently did clean the bathroom after the last tenants. Eeeewuh.

I gather the previous folks and landlord did not part on good terms, partially due to two dogs which were not permitted in the lease, and which dug up most of the grass in the back yard. And of course, the aforementioned bathroom.

I have a great story idea now for a carnivorous moss...

beth said...

OK, I totally understand green showers. OK, wrong phrase, I mean, my bathroom was also frightening when we moved in. We had the "squishy toilet seat" You know the one - the one grandma's seem fond of, that lets out that fart of air when you sit on it, and that you are certain contains the germs of each and every ass that ever sat on it? I made Chris replace it before we moved in. Oh yes, there would be no peeing on the squishy seat. Strangely, this is the second apartment we've had that happen to.

Also, they needed to replace our toilet and left a big hole in the wall. It's still there, by the way. Now it has plywood *almost* over it, but the roaches, they like a challenge. Sigh.

Also, let me reccomend the fabulous AdAware software, that, when paired with my virus software, is kick ass at keeping my computer a-movin. Adaware is available from c|net, and, best of all - IS FREE! And comes hightly recommended by dorks I know, which always helps.

And now this is too long, so I am stopping the typing.
