That is the question.
I'm finally getting around to canceling my Journalspace blog and I need to decide if I should import all those entries to this new blog. I did a few over the weekend, and it was a big pain in the patoot, so I'm probably against it. But, as I was re-reading the old blog, I realized that some of those entries were pretty funny, or otherwise good (and some were self-aggrandizing whines and diatribes) and I didn't want to lose them.
Which brings me to this: why can't I just save them on my computer and not have them shared with the world? Heck, why do the blog thing at all? Okay, these aren't really difficult questions after all--I'm a big showy ham, plain and simple. I really am. And I'm totally okay with that.
So, you'd think I would have liked being on Journalspace, right? I got plenty of traffic (you can track it by day, hour, whatever) and had quite a few comments from folks I don't know. But to be honest, it creeped me the hell out. I never really wanted to be part of an "online community" and it was just as weird as I imagined. There were terrible flame wars in people's (including mine, a few times) comment tails, cross blog feuding and just lots of meanness all around. I'm plenty mean and bitchy already without the extra encouragement.
The first time I got totally slammed was during the short fiction contest--I made the second round of cuts and got about 5 Really Really REALLY nasty private messages from people who didn't like my story, and/or who didn't make the cut. Also they thought I should be run over by a tank, then eviscerated and set on fire. Or worse. All over a stupid, halfway decent-ish short story for a stupid online contest.
I have to tell you, it was scary. I didn't know these people, but the level of invective flying around was more than a little unnerving.
So here I am, back at good old Blogger. Where I can't track down every single person who has visited my blog, and everytime I visit someone's blog and neglect to comment I don't get a nasty email. Ahhh, I'm home again!
Happy Labor Day 2023!
1 year ago
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