I just keep thinking of them...
Mr. Ameliabee noted that I was remiss in mentioning one of my all-time favorites,
Cherry Pie by Warrant. I know, I know, but I still love it. I also had kind of a thing for Jani Lane--this was during my Trashy Rock and Roller period. (Not to be confused with my Alterna-Rocker or Depressed Goth Guy periods) Also, I was still drinking a lot back then. But still you gotta admit, Jani was quite easy on the eyes.
Another one for my stripper list would be
Give it to Me Good, by Trixter. Once again, I loved the song and cute little PJ Farley was not bad to look at. Not bad at all.
(that's him on the right)
PJ has a new band now (Trixter didn't last too long, sadly) called RA, and he still looks pretty good if you ask me...
Hair metal memories. Ah, good times. No, what! What am I saying? Those times kind of sucked! But I still liked the music.
But I was a Jerry Dixon and Pete Loran girl myself.
Well, I'll give you Jerry Dixon cause he's a bass player and I have some sort of thing for them...
But Pete Loran, I'm not so sure about.
Now Steve Pearcy from Ratt? He always did it for me. I think it was the gloves...
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