My mom, the avid women's magazine consumer, clipped an article from Redbook which featured several creations from Hello Cupcake! by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson. I put this book on hold at the library--can't wait to try more. Especially the Alien Cupcakes.
I made these to celebrate the first week of summer. I think they turned out pretty neato.
Here is a closer view of the "kernels" which are Jelly Bellies.
**UPDATE!*** I also want to mention that two of my co-worker Anita's cakes are featured on
Ace of Cakes Cake Community. Hers are "Shh! Baby Sleeping" and "Hall Family Crest." The baby in the former is not a plastic baby toy, as I thought originally. It is made from fondant.
You hear me? She. Made. That. Baby. From. Fondant. The last time I tried to make anything truly complicated from fondant I ended up so frustrated that I threw the whole thing--cake and all--in the field behind our house for the bugs to eat.
My palette knife is off to you madam!
Those are GENIUS!!! I was wondering what the "butter pats" were!!! Crazy town! I'm so impressed!
I couldn't believe how well they turned out! They were much much easier than I anticipated. A little time consuming, what with the sticking on of the Jelly Bellies, but easy nonetheless.
I couldn't eat one though.
Between the cupcake, frosting and candy, there were probably about 15,000 sugar carbs. I may not be the world's best controlled diabetic, but that would be bad even for me!
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