First, the accomplished mission--we found a house! A duplex really, in our old neighborhood. It is about twice the size of our current place, at about $50 more a month. Three bedrooms, front and back porch, yard...really just exactly what we were looking for. Sadly, I only have this one photo of the outside as I didn't charge the camera before we left, and it ran out of juice early in the trip.

As I predicted, it was indeed the second place we looked at--although if it had been first we'd have taken it right away too. I'm glad it wasn't 4th or who knows?
The big mission Un-accomplished (and no dearies, I'm not talking about Iraq) was getting a job. I'd seen an open position with an environmental non-profit, and a co-worker who knew the executive director emailed an introduction for me. As it turns out, they already filled the position, and were gearing up for their Really Really Big Membership Meeting on Saturday. The fellow was out of the office both times I called to introduce myself, and they don't have normal voice-mail--in order to leave a voice-mail message for anyone it has to ring through everyone in the office's phones first. I called twice and finally gave in an left my number, as I was starting to feel like I was stalking the guy.
So, it was really weird and awkward--I reverted into my normal southern Yes Sir-Mr. Smith, formality of meeting someone new and important, and he seemed to think I was calling to sell him something, like a vacuum cleaner or Scientology. I was selling something--myself--but badly, and long story short, no job for me. I did find several other options and currently have resumes floating around. If nothing materializes, I could always go back to retail.
And there is plenty of retail for everyone in Columbus. Since we left 7 years ago, there are two HUGE new malls--Polaris Fashion Place and Easton Town Center. When I say Huge, you really have no idea how huge I mean. Huge. We visited both, and spent several hours in each--without actually seeing more than 5%. So, I'm pretty sure that if all else fails, and my arches hold out, I could always resume my retail career...
More on fun doings in a bit, (including THE GIANT CORN!) for now I'm off to unpack suitcases, and well...start to pack boxes...
There's always customer service!! (In case you forgot! LOL!)
My Darling Bee-
I wish you the best in Ohio. Sorry to hear you had to leave Madison and 'The Job', but as we both know, 'The Job' never fully appreciated your talents. When you have chance, drop Steve, of the 'Save Steve' campaign an e-mail with your new info.
I miss you and some of the others dearly.
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