Monday, May 29, 2006

Melting away....

It is 875 million degrees* already this morning. It is only 7 am.
Yesterday, it was 90 degrees in International Falls.
Above zero!
It was only 89 in Phonenix!

If only I could sweat away the extra pounds, I'd be almost normal-sized by now...

*temperature reading approximate. The time-temperature phone says it is only 78, but they obviously need to re-calibrate their equipmment.


Anonymous said...

Hey there Ms. AmeliaBee,

I have delicately avoided all American Idolization. Not out of pop cultural snobbery (ain't got much of that...other than hating bunco ladies).

Merely because I can't figure out how to get the housework done and work and love up kiddos and husband and pets... plus (choice time: books or tv? Books, more forgiving with adjustable time slots, I am a pre-Tivo lady).

I have dial up and iTunes, but even one little song takes me too long. So off to read my overdue library books... but will drag the laptop to our hotspot worksite tomorrow and catch your romantic recommendation.


beth said...

It's approximately whatever-degree-temperature-it-is-on-the-face-of-the-sun here.

Please let me die.

And let's all celebrate today, June 1st, the beginning of hurricane season!

:)just comisserating (I spelled that atrociously, I have a feeling)
