Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Take some Bronchitis, add a wee bit of pneumonia and...

And you get Ameilabee lo, these last three weeks. What started out as a slight sore throat descended into bronchitis and ultimately, the merest hint of walking pneumonia. Hooray!
I'm mostly better now--still a remnant of the horrible whoop cough I had for weeks, but I'm no longer blowing my nose every waking moment. I think the receptionist was starting to think an errant flock of geese were living in our ladies room, what with all the honking and whooping I was doing. Every day my voice sounds more and more like me, and less and less like Brenda Vaccaro, which is a good thing.
Don't really have more to say about the disease except, Mucinex, Good Stuff.

Days of Wine and Turkey...
Or portabello mushrooms, homemade macaroni & cheese, zucchini, mashed potatoes and roasted root veggies, as the case may be.

I hope that everyone had a lovely and happy time on Thanksgiving, we certainly did.
Spent the day with our fab friends Sooz and Kev, as well as their adorable wee ones. Additionally, we got to meet some cool new people who I hope will become our fast friends--especially as one of them is Very Into Science Fiction in much the same way that Mr. Ameliabee is Very Into Science Fiction. A rare find indeed.

I think various and sundry members of my family are somewhat angry that we didn't come to visit, but with the aforementioned case of bronchitis in full swing there was No Way I could be in a house full of smokers. And bring both of my lungs home internally, at any rate. Also, we sisters are not all getting along at the moment so why push it? I'm thankful that I didn't have to get in a big ugly passive-aggressive fight with a sibling over the holiday. That's what I'm thankful for.

A Promise and Vow
From yours truly. I really need to get back on the blogging train, not only because I'll grasp at any little bit of fame I'm afforded, but because it helps my other, *ahem* serious writing too.

So, I have decided that I'm giving up my gossip blogs. So sad that I was addicted to them in the first place, but they took up the bulk of my internet time--which really should be my writing time. So, I bid a fond farewell to the likes of TheSuperficial and ASocialitesLife, because honestly, I just don't need to know that much about Lindsay Lohan. It is not getting my book published, that's for sure.

The promise? I'll be posting at least 4 times a week. Just typing that I realize that any normal person would have said every day, but hey--we're managing expectations here at Ameliabee.
And...I'll post some little chunks of my Big Project for you to peruse and hate, or love or be ambivalent about. Hooray? And I promise a near future return of the much-requested 911 report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Ms. Bee!

I have missed you a lot.

Nevermind a schedule, but more than one post per month would be quite appreciated.

You were wise to keep your lungs away from smokers. Even us former-smokers probably are exuding tons of toxicants, formaldehyde and who knows what else.

Happy holidays to you and your fine Mister.