Monday, May 26, 2008

Goodbye, beautiful shoes. Fly, fly far and free...

(For those of you who didn't attend the Bucyrus Little Theatre summer children's shows in the 80's--and why the heck didn't you?--the title is sort of borrowed from The Featherduster. Which starred my sister as Thumbelina, my other sister as a Rose, my third sister as a cockchafter--I know, I know--and me as......a Giant Toad. I get all the good parts.)

Aren't these cute shoes? *Sigh*

I love them. But...they now on their way to Volunteers of America.

I bought these for the Big Birthday Party, and they were great with my outfit.

By the end of the night, I couldn't walk. At all. I spent the whoooole next day limping for resting place to resting place. Figuring I was just Getting Older and had Overdone It, I wore the shoes a few more times. Once to work, once to the great geeky game night (which I will write much more about later) and once on an outing with friends.

In so doing, I managed to really mess up my feet. Boo. Now I have to roll cans of frozen orange juice under my arches, and wear special insoles. And I'm back to these, my trusty Dansko clogs.

To think I used to wear 3 1/2 inch spike pumps in my cocktail waitressing days...*sigh*

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Two Score

And I'm not talking about football here.

Yes, it is official. I'm 40. And as Ms. Rose breathlessly noted--Wow! That's really really old!
Indeed it is my little friend.

I was lucky enough to welcome in my middle age with two fab events.
The first was a reunion show for Pet UFO and My White Bread Mom.

I haven't been to a rock and roll show in AGES, and I don't even want to think about how long I've been away from Bernies...

Pet UFO was great. They played like they'd never been apart. It was great seeing them, and despite their insistence that This Was The Last Time, I hope to see them again!

My White Bread Mom was great as always, dramatic and unpredictable, also as always. I was, unlike always, sober and tired. But we had a good time. While Sooz and I were walking down 15th toward High Street, a very blond girl rolled down the window of the Escalade she was riding in, leaned waaaay out and yelled at us: "Why you walkin like you got a stick up your ass?"
Because we're old, and clearly not as drunk as you sweetie. Yeesh.

The second event was my Big Ass Birthday Party for my Big Ass.

We had a 1986 Homecoming Dance, and it was fabulous...much better than my actual homecoming in 1986. For one, I was crowned Homecoming Queen. I got to see my wonderful cousins, whom I miss terribly and reminisce with friends old and new. I danced until I could barely walk (and in fact spent most of Sunday nursing some Charley Horses), smiled until I thought my face would freeze, and had a wonderful time.

I'd like to give a shout out to Mr. Ameliabee who A) has now officially put up with me for 13 years, B) let me spend way too much money on this party and C) helped me set it up, take it down and generally was a great sport about the whole thing.

If you want to see more photos, click on either of the above, or hit the nifty flickr button over on the left side of the page.
I'm watching the mailbox for my Golden Buckeye Card--only 20 more years to go. Gimme my 10% discount! Woohoo!